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Common Potty Training Problems

Potty training problems are common, and can be a very hard thing for you and your child. One main thing you have to remember is that kids can sense the way you are feeling so you have to try and remain very calm when doing so. I know it can get very

Cartoon of a child meeting a potty trainerPotty training problems are common, and can be a very hard thing for you and your child. One main thing you have to remember is that kids can sense the way you are feeling so you have to try and remain very calm when doing so. I know it can get very frustrating. There are many things to consider when starting potty training with your child. You do have to teach you child the words that go along with potty training such as pee, poop, dry, wet, clean and messy. If they understand these words and what they mean things may go a little smoother for you and your little trainee. Some of the most common problems people have when trying to potty train are as such.

Common Problems with Potty Training

    <1i>The child will do one or the other in the potty but needs a pull up or diaper to do the other in.
  1. The child will not do either of them in the potty for some reason or another
  2. For one reason or another child is afraid of the potty.
  3. The child just wants to play and then holds it in too long.
  4. The child was using the potty but is now going backwards again
  5. The child has a fascination with playing with poop
  6. They are having night time accidents
  7. They will only use the potty at home and not in school or at others homes
  8. The child is jealous of a younger sibling and wants to digress back to a diaper to feel like the baby all over again.

These are just some of the most common people have with potty training. I will give you some advice below for each problem you may have when it is time for your little one to try and go to the potty.

Help with Potty Training

  1. Some times children will do one or the other it is mostly they do not want to poop on the potty can be for a number of reasons. One being they are constipated and it hurts to go, they are afraid that the poop is not supposed to leave them. Just be patient and try to tell them that it is a good idea to go on the potty and praise them at all costs.
  2. Your child is not going on the potty at all because they may not be ready to do so; they feel like they are doing something wrong, they are us to the diaper and use this as a security thing. Do not get mad and yell at them, just be patient and keep reminding them that it is a good thing to go potty and they are a big boy or girl and that they get to have big boy undies or pretty little girl panties if they do this.
  3. If your child is afraid of the potty try to get them their own smaller training potty. The big ones may be to overwhelming for them the loud noise, water under their body, how big the seat is, or any other things that they may not like. If you get them their very own potty personalize it with their name, let them help clean it and show them just how big they are for going.
  4. Children have short mind spans some times and they get really into what they are playing with and doing so much that they do not pay any mind when their body is telling them they have to go until it is too late. So if your child is just beginning to train take them every 20 mins to half hr just to make sure they are in the clear of any accidents.
  5. There are many reasons your child will regress from the potty. One of the biggest reasons for this is stress. They may have the stress of a big change such as school, daycare, moving to a new home, a new sibling, parents separating or fighting or even a new baby sitter. If any of these have happened then you have hit the root of the problem, just bear with the child and try again with them and make sure they know that they are doing a great job at all cost!
  6. Just about all children go through this stage, yes it is gross but children do not understand that and see wow i can play with this and i can make things with it. Just try to keep on the child that it is not something to play with and it is bad for them to do so. Do not yell at them for it, this may scare the child away from going on the potty. Just tell them something like the potty wants it or this is where your poopy has to go.
  7. Children have accidents at night time because they are not into getting up when they have to go and most of the time they do not feel it when they do go while they are asleep. Try to wake your child up and see if they have to go, yes this is tiring for you and may make the child a little cranky but after a while they will get the hang of going at night. Or try to set a schedule and not give them anything to drink before bed time this may help with the wetting. Before they are ready to go to bed try putting them on the potty.
  8. If the child is only going on the potty at home they may feel uncomfortable going in other places. Just try hard to encourage them to go in any potty that they can. When you take them out with you if the store you are in has a potty even if they do not say they have to go suggest they do, take them to the potty and let them sit on it even if they do not go they may get a little more comfortable with other potties. Kids get us to certain things and routine so if it is changed some how they tend to act a little different again do not yell at them just try to encourage the fact that it is ok to go in other bathrooms.
  9. When you have a single child in the home again they have gotten us to certain routine and all attention on them. When another child is brought in the picture that child will get jealous that the attention is not all on them as it was before so they will do things even if they are not things they should be doing just to grab your attention. Try to encourage that your child help with the new baby include them in all you can with helping this even includes telling them to show the baby how big kids go on the potty. Even if it is a new born it sounds silly but this reassures the child they are a big boy or girl and they are helping teach the baby to be big too.

Hope you have some advice to share on this one! Potty training problems are definitely a top priority in anyone's life!

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