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Vintage Chanel Purses

Chanel purses expensive handbags. People try to make fake Chanel purses and sell them as though they were the real deal. But the brand Chanel has quite a number of distinct things with their brand so that you will know if you are being sold a fake. D

This is an image of a black, lamb skin Chanel hand bag with a chain handle and a tassel on the side of it.Chanel purses expensive handbags. People try to make fake Chanel purses and sell them as though they were the real deal. But the brand Chanel has quite a number of distinct things with their brand so that you will know if you are being sold a fake. Do you really want to go out and buy a very expensive hand bag just to get it home and find out that it is not the real deal. I do not think I would be the happiest person around to have paid $200 or more in most cases just to get a fake! Here are some ways you can definitely tell that your handbag is the real thing.

How To Tell If It's A Real Vintage Chanel Purse

  • Inside label-If you have a real Chanel bag you will see one these types of labels. Gold or silver Chanel stamp,The logo for Chanel will be embossed, a label that is leather and a rectangle or oval with the words Chanel in it in gold or silver or a black label with the words Chanel in white or black label with vertical lines in it. If you do not see any of these inside your bag then chances are it is a fake. Also if the the label has come off it is probably fake.
  • All of the Chanel products as of the 90s, as well as vintage Chanel will have a serial number. This number has to match the serial authenticity card each Chanel purse comes with.
  • Every single Chanel bag out there has the logo either Chanel or cc on the zipper pull. If the one you have purchased does not have this then chances are that you have gotten a fake bag.
  • There is a cc logo on the bag somewhere that has 2 cs over lapping. If you have a bag that does not over lap the 2 cs then it is a fake bag.

Who Was Coco Chanel?

Coco Chanel was very strong woman entrepreneurs back in the 20th century. This woman's real name was Gabrielle and was born in 1883. Her mother passed away and father left her with nuns to be raised by them. She had accumulated the nick name coco from two songs she had sung. Coco had met a gentile man who helped her start her own business this man was Artur Capel. Gabrielle Chanel dedicated her whole self in to making her business go places even through the war that had broken out. When she had first started she was a hat maker for all of the divas and then many of her customers told Paris about her beautiful designs. Soon after that the business just kept on becoming better and better for her. Right after the war had been declared she closed up shop and things started to go down hill slightly. During this time she moved to Switzerland and resided there for 10 years. In 1953, Chanel at the ripe age of 70 then decided to reopen her shop back up again. But things didn't start to really happen for her until three years later. Once she had changed the style of her dresses and clothing for the more modern ages that is when it started to become big.

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