If you are thinking about or have recently gotten a tattoo on your lip you should know that they require special care afterwards. Below you will find lip tattoo care instructions that will help to speed the healing process. They will also help insure that it heals correctly and still looks as good as the day you got it.
For the inner part of your lip you want to keep it as dry as you can. These types of tattoos fade very fast, sometimes even in a matter of days because of how moist the mouth stays and plus the rubbing of your lip on your teeth. The only thing they suggest that you do is to take a napkin and fold it up in the inside of your lip. They also tell you to maybe put a small drop of A and D ointment on the inside of the lip. Then do not bother it. The mouth heals faster then any other part of the body so leaving it to heal by itself is the best route to go. You can however eat and drink with out messing the tattoo up. When you go to bed you will want to put paper towels under your tongue and around the cheeks to soak up some of the saliva. By the next day the tattoo should be almost completely healed up and no longer have to have paper towels in your mouth. Fading will happen though. It depends how much it will by the way you care for your new tattoo. The better you follow these instructions the better your new lip tattoo will look. Just give yourself up to three weeks or so before you should go back if it needs a touch up for the swelling and bruising to go away.
If you are getting lipstick tattooed on you follow this healing instructions for a quick and safe recover. After the lips have been done there will be some oozing for a few days, just keep blotting it with a napkin. Do not rub them. After you wake up there will be some crusting on the lips take a damp warm rag or ointment and blot it on the lips to soften the crust up then blot again to free the crust from the lips. Now you do not want to use toilet paper or thin napkins because they will leave lint on your lips. Use strong paper towels or a washcloth. Your lips will be real tender at first so you may want to use a straw and eat things that can be put on a fork so nothing has to touch the lips. You will want to put something under your head when you sleep because of all the oozing that will be coming from the lips. Do not smoke or stretch the lips by puckering them or smiling to big this will cause more tearing and cause the lips to get inflamed or infected. Now after the 3rd day the lips will stop oozing and start the peeling process. You do not want to pick the pealing pieces. Just put ointment on them and rub in a circular motion, this will cause all the skin to loosen up and come off easier. This will probably last for about one week. All you should be doing is applying the ointment and doing that massage to the lips. just follow these basic simple rules and your lips will have beautiful lips after they heal.
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