You can probably use just about any font for large or small tattoos. But some just look better depending on the size. Two of the most popular styles for lettering are block letters and cursive writing. Letter tattoos normally go with a banner, scroll, enclosed inside swirls or maybe even hearts. These here are just a few examples but the list goes on. Now when you get a tattoo you should always do a back ground check on the artist first just to make sure you know who is going to be working on you. Not only that but think very long and hard before you go and just choose anything to put on your body. Below are a few examples of some great smaller lettering tattoos.
Here is an example of some small cursive tattoo lettering. See there are some different styles of cursive fonts as well.
This is another example of cursive writing actually on some ones neck. This is a good size and spot to put small tattoos in case you want to hide it for work and such. Permitting you have longer hair.
This is a type of regular print that looks great when done in smaller lettering. This is another great spot to put it if you have to hide it for any reason.
Here is a list of just a few different text you can choose from, that would make nice small tattoos
This is a photo taken of some ones right rib cage. The lettering done for this tattoo is a type of cursive. Very classy to the eye and small in print text. Granite the tattoo itself is not that small but I am just pointing out the size of the letters.
As i said earlier you can probably get just about any kind of lettering small on your body it just really depends weather it will look any good when it is complete. If you choose to get a small tattoo of a different language such as a very popular one is Chinese symbols. You want to make 100% sure that you know what it means before they proceed to put it on you. I have seen to many times where some one has gotten a symbol in another language and say it means one word, but in reality it was wrong. So be very careful when getting your ink done. Enjoy!
Four Leaf Clover Tattoos
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